A minor release to address some cosmetic issues and add consistency to user interface.
But to be clear: as of now, this is the latest and greatest.
A minor release to address some cosmetic issues and add consistency to user interface.
But to be clear: as of now, this is the latest and greatest.
Due to Wintry conditions on our commute, we have taken down the paywall for Clever Commute Premium features
That means that all users have all Premium features FOR FREE at this time.
Call to action: Logout/login AND restart the app
List of features – https://clevercommute.com/premiumfeatures
More info about Premium – https://clevercommute.com/premium
Suggestions to see some of the most-helpful features:
(1) Go to Settings => “Comms & Config”
(2) Go to Settings => “My Commute” and add a second and third commuting line
…and of course, tonight, use our enhanced departureboard with track prediction
Please use this opportunity to share info and help each other.
Please use the Contact feature of our web site if you have any questions.
This page is a work in progress and, with your input, will continue to evolve
Rider Compliance
A NJT train rider reports that everyone wears masks and social distancing 90% of the time
What to pack
Find the right balance of light and safe.
The one-liner: Feel free to post on CleverCommute using the "Return to office" category...or simply use the abbreviation rto
(or RTO
) in your message...and the app will categorize it for you.
Has something changed?: Yes! Due to the unique Covid-related environment, we have modified our filtering logic. Users can now use the app's Participate feature to share (and ask) in ways that previously may have been set aside for moderator review. So if you want to know if the trains are safe/crowded/clean ... then ask the folks who have the info: the people who ride.
Why the change?: As discussed in early October, it has become clear that this network of commuters wants to help each other...share with each other. Some of you have been commuting throughout the pandemic. Some of you recently started. Some may be starting soon (or later).
So let's do what Clever Commuters do best: let the information flow.
How?: For the most part, you post your comment or question as you always have (instructions). But please identify your return to work-related message as such in one of two ways when using the app's Participate feature:
1. Set option #2 (What's happening) to the first choice: Return to office
-or -
2. Simply use the acronym rto
(lower or upper case) in the body of your message. Our technology will auto-categorize it!
Note: rto
is not a hashtag. It's simply the three-letter abbreviation.
Here at Clever Commute, we're evolving our model in order to help people prepare for the eventual return to work (RTW). No one expects RTW to happen all at once...and I expect that the experience will vary by location, person, industry, etc.
But when I recently asked folks who are currently are commuting "what do you see?"...I was surprised at the diversity of replies I received. The 2 in the table below came into my mailbox virtually back-to-back.
Clearly: perceptions will vary. Both of the commuters have a long history of sharing reliable info on Clever Commute.
So, as I was once told: "Don't listen to anybody. Rather, listen to everybody."
Maybe you love NYC. Maybe you need NYC. Maybe both. Let's give it our support...with an open mind.
Commuter A said... | Commuter B said... |