Thanks for your recent post to Clever Commute
The one-liner here: when you send a mail, please delineate between “your message” and “the other stuff” such as your e-mail signature, footer, disclaimer, etc.
More Info: Use the SUBJECT area of your e-mails for as much of the message as you can. You’ll be surprised how much you can fit in 140 spaces!
If you do use the BODY…or even if you don’t, please ensure there is some way for our technology to figure out where “your message” ends…and where “the other stuff” begins.
Our technology looks for “–” (dash-dash…no quotes) in your message…and deletes everything after that.
(The use of “–” is an internet standard – see for more info.
But, other approaches will work: ** or == or a blank line or a horizontal line.
But, other approaches will work: ** or == or a blank line or a horizontal line.
The point here is to ensure we have some way to delineate.
We appreciate your participation…as you have helped make Clever Commute a success.