I mean it in the most literal way. I financially guarantee you will love Clever Commute Premium.
- When you subscribe, you get a 60-day free trial (what other online service gives a full month?)
- You will get a full year of value
You can contact us at any time to express your view that you are not completely thrilled with this service, and you will get all of your money back.
- I will refund the fees that Apple/Google take from me
- I will refund any taxes you paid
Think about that: Even on "day 364" of your annual subscription, you can still get all of your money back.
Who does that? Me - a commuter and entrepreneur who stands by the service they sell.
What do I ask in return? Just tell me why you are dissatisfied.
I won't turn it into some retention game. Rather, I just want to know what I can do better.