This kind of thing makes my day

A clever commuter sent us this:

you have become so important to those of us who commute – we rely on you more than you understand.  Hence, the reason for this e-mail.  For some reason last month, I was no longer getting the, Clever Commuter e-mails and after a few e-mails with you – I was back on.  As a working mom, I have come to rely on my blackberry and my Clever Commuter notices.  We both discovered it was a glitch on my behalf and with tenacity and perseverance – you fixed the problem.  What amazed me was your personal attention to the matter. I want to thank you for taking the time to help me to fix the problem, but more importantly for caring.  I am not just a commuter to you and in this day and age and all that is going on in the world – your personal attention to my situation spoke very loudly.  I want everyone to know how amazing you are and send you endless thank you’s for your intelligence to create Clever Commute and the care and attention you give to us.
Thank YOU

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