For commuters and the media – 29-September Hoboken Crash

A special post related to this morning’s crash. We pray for those hurt and killed, and are committed to doing all we can to support the commuters we serve.

If you are not yet familiar with Clever Commute, please learn more and get our free app.

To the media: Clever Commute provides B2B services including aggregated datafeeds and advisory services. Contact us to learn more.

All: Our real-time information is also published via Twitter. We have an active Facebook page.

The Top 1/2 Dozen Tips for 29-September

  1. Other stations (e.g., NY Penn and Newark Penn) will be crowded and in use by Hoboken commuters.
    Get there early and be patient.
  2. NJ Transit (web and e-mail alerts) is the best place to learn about cross-honoring with other carriers.
    There are sometimes nuances about stations / routes…but today’s approach seems appropriately broad.
  3. NJ Transit always offers NJT train/bus cross honoring. Tonight might be a good opportunity to use it.
    To learn more, start at NJT web = >Ticket Option => Rail Tickets => Ticket Flexibility
  4. Use NJ Transit’s free app to get your tickets.
  5. may continue to be up and down.
    Keep trying and do not wait until the evening rush begins.
  6. If you are looking for a NJT train map, you can find them on other sites, too
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