A great example of Premium benefits for bus riders

Our premium service provides a portfolio of features to suburban commuters. One of the great benefits of the service is that our users can monitor the issues on other lines…without necessarily receiving extra messages (e.g., texts or e-mail)

Here is a great example from January 23, 2014: Riders on 3 different lines each shared real-time info about a developing problem at the Lincoln Tunnel. Together, this info would be helpful if you rode any of the lines below…or even if you rode another. There is no other source for this real-time narrative!

Bus Line Commuter Message Time
Coach USA / Suburban – East Brunswick Disabled vehicle in center tube of Lincoln Tunnel 7:33 AM
Coach USA – FLOW Bus lane stopped for a couple of minutes now 7:34 AM
DeCamp – 33 & 66 Bus lane dead stop 7:38 AM


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