It’s been a big growth spurt for us…and a lot of message volume. We want to keep this community as helpful as possible…so here are the headlines
- Even though there are expected daily delays, if you have info which helps…then by all means share it. But please remember our best practices.
Be helpful and pretend that you are sharing info for a real traffic report
If you want to be funny/sarcastic/snarky, then do that via our Vent feature - In the morning: Do not always post what time your train arrived at the terminal
- In the evening:
Do not always post what time your train departed the terminal
Do not share (or ask for) track number information - Where applicable, use the existing feature to identify what train you are on
- vote…Vote…VOTE.
Use the ThumbsUp/ThumbsDown feature in Recent Alerts to designate what is helpful
Do not upvote things just because you think they are funny.
View the voting results on our Leaderboard
NOTE: We DO follow-up with the best and worst senders. Therefore voting is your top tool to ensure we can recognize the good…and “coach” the bad.
For 2 and 3, there are so many trains that it just gets too noisy (see FYI below)FYI: We are working on several enhancements to help the service adjust to what is happening.
For example, we will improve the way we identify and suppress duplicate messages (hence #4 above).Not to be sales-y…but if you want track number info, our Premium service does everything you want…and probably things you never thought of. We predict your track, e-mail/text/push you the track number, show you track number history, and even show you track number after it was removed from the departure board.
It’s incredibly powerful and does so much more than simply give you track number info (see all features).
Why not start your 30-day free trial of Premium by selecting Premium in the app? - Even though there are expected daily delays, if you have info which helps…then by all means share it. But please remember our best practices.