Clever Subway Beta – Welcome!

Fueled by demand from our riders, we have launched Clever Commute for the NYC subway.
We think that if you look at the available info on, you should have all you need to get up-and-running and start getting value from the system.

Here are a few points:

1. Put us in your address book so you have the address handy
(the “send-to” address was on your “Welcome” mail…and if you don’t have that…just let us know)

2. Sure, you sometimes will not have connectivity underground…but that’s OK.
All we are saying here is when your line is _so_ badly messed up that it forced you up to the street…then that’s a great time to send a message letting your fellow passengers know.

3. Our system is powered by…YOU. The more folks we have…the more power we have.
Please take a minute to tell 10 friends to sign up.
Remember to keep Clever Commute in mind when there are problems.

4. Let’s experiment and see what comes of this.
We’ve been doing Clever Commute on the commuter rail for over 3 years now…and it works great.
We have these guidelines –
But…if we need to adopt them for use on mass transit…then we’re open to exploring that.

Thanks again and welcome aboard!