
This blog needs help. Can you help me? Know someone who can?

I welcome participation of any kind:

  • One time fixes and clean-up (I know…the menus/posts/pages are “all over the place”…I just don’t understand how it all works). I’d love to use a better template…
  • Add some new widgets…my logo..and some way to make it more interactive (comments are “off”…but now that Facebook has their new sign-in/comment tool…it’s time to revisit)
  • And even some ongoing help with the content (I always have ideas and content…but I just never get around to doing the actual entries. or…do YOU have ideas for content? I’m open to that, too)

Anyway…I really do believe that this blog could be so much better.

Even if you just spent a day on it…I’d welcome it…and do whatever I can to reward you. No, I don’t have cash…but maybe I can help you promote something via ads on Clever Commute?

Again – any and all help is appreciated.

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