Just a few things to remember:
- There is one e-mail address for the trains from GCT and another for the trains to GCT (we’ll make sure you have both addresses).
- Once you send to that address…our technology will send it to the subscribers…and we’ll also Tweet it
- Do not “Forward” mails to the e-mail address we use
- Avoid extra punctuation (sure you can say “5:48″, but don’t put “…” in there)
- All you need to do is put the the times in your mail (e.g., you don’t need to say “have a bar car tonight”). Recipients know that this is The Bar Car Report…and it is clearly labeled as such
- Yes…you can send updates at any time in case things change
- Here is one good way to share the news:
526 548 608 611 807 907 plus 531 614 stamford locals