LIRR Strike Info – Real Time Datafeeds of Commuter alerts

Welcome! The links below give you real-time access to the alerts which are being shared by LIRR commuters!
These are industry-standard XML feeds which you can view in any RSS reader.

Please visit the Clever Commute LIRR Strike Command Center for more resources.

Please note:

  • Here is a link to technical info about the feeds
  • These links contain 7 days of rolling information
  • Some have more information than others…and are listed in rough order of volume.
  • These links will expire on 31-July. Contact us if you like to see them beyond that day.

In order to save bandwith here, we don’t list out the full URL. Rather, you need build the URL’s. It’s simple!
For each branch, take the suffix in the right column, and append it to
the URL “”

Example: For “Test Branch”, the web address would be: 

Branch NameSuffix
Test Branchmedia-lirr-test-branch
Port Jeffersonmedia-lirr-port-jefferson
Port Washingtonmedia-lirr-port-washington
Far Rockawaymedia-lirr-far-rockaway
Long Beachmedia-lirr-long-beach
Oyster Baymedia-lirr-oyster-bay
West Hempsteadmedia-lirr-west-hempstead
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