Feature write-up: Check-in/Share Location


The check-in feature lets commuters share their train’s/bus’ location with the Clever Commute network.
Any active user can send a Check-in (steps below).
However, viewing these messages is done exclusively via the app…and is Opt-In only.
Check-ins are not sent out as mails, texts, or push notifications.


To Send a Check-In To View Check-Ins
  1. Open our free app
  2. Select Send An Alert
  3. Set the The Issue to
    Check-In/Share location
    – Other fields are defaulted or derived
    – The geolocation and timestamp are captured
  4. Press Send
  1. Open our free app
  2. Select Recent Alerts
  3. At the top of the page, select the box  for Check-Ins
  4. When you click on the location pin, you will see the location of that alert
    (see pictures below)


