There are at least 4 very important differences between Clever Commute and Twitter: (1) We use a variety of technologies (keywords, semantics, patterns, user history, etc.) to ensure the alerts are actionable and appropriate content regarding the in-process commute. (2) We enrich each message with – the category of the problem – the impact on your commute (in minutes) – the train route and number (and origin/destination) – the geolocation of the alerts (3) We eliminate duplicate messages about the same issue (4) We deliver all messages in real time |
Please see our best practices for sending an alert to learn more about what makes a message a good message.
The filters are technology-based, so all messages are subject to the same rigor. There are indeed some false positives. and some false negatives. We do our best to resolve those in real-time.
Our robots are there to help ensure a good experience for our commuters, and also to respect our sponsors and other business partners.
Other notes:
- Sometimes people just want to vent…so we now have a feature for that (See more info here and via our @clevervent Twitter feed)
- Sometimes people combine helpful info with not-so-helpful info…and we provide guidance on that